Recognizing that the Plastics Industry will continue
to have a major effect on the quality of our future, we
find ourselves with both an opportunity and an obligation
to contribute our expertise and values in a way that will
have the greatest positive impact. Our commitment to Employee
and Environmental safety must never be compromised. Likewise,
we must also maintain an equally strong commitment to
the quality of our products and services.
The following guidelines will assist us in reaching
these goals.
There are (5) specific areas that we must concern
ourselves with when attempting to define the "responsible"
operation of our business. They are:
1) Employee Welfare
a] Benefits
b] Training
c] Fair employment / anti discrimination
d] Job Safety
e] Working environment
2) Community Service
a] Charity
b] Visibility
c] Involvement
3) Environmental Activities
a] Waste Generation / Recycling
b] Source Reduction / Consumption
c] Internal Processes
d] Local / Global
4) Commercial Activities
a] Quality
b] Commitment
c] Service
5) Ethical Behaviors
a] Corporate Practice
b] Honesty / Integrity
c] Profits / People
1) Benefits
It is the policy of this company that benefits be
offered to all of its full-time employees. Benefits
are to include: Medical Coverage, Vacations and Holiday
pay, a 4 day work schedule, Retirement Plan, Educational
Funding, Excused time for Family.
The purpose of supplying these benefits is to,
A) protect the health and well-being of the employee
and their families,
B) to enhance their quality of life,
C) to encourage long term employment.
2) Job Training
It is our intention that all employees be trained
according to their abilities. Within the scope of available
work, All employees will be allowed to advance at their
own pace with no restrictions other than their own performance
ability. We may also streamline and focus training to
suit the combined temporary needs of both Company and
Employee in situations where a "long term" commitment
is not expected.
3) Fair Employment/ Equal Opportunity
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and will abide
by all of the laws governing such issues. While on the
job, All Employees are likewise expected to abide by
these same rules and are not to discriminate. It is
our belief that, Employees should expect their fellow
workers to reflect the same attitudes as the Company.
People should be treated with dignity and respect.
4) Safety
We will never sacrifice the reasonable safety of an
Employee to increase productivity. We will never force
an Employee to perform a task that he or she feels is
beyond their ability to do safely. For individual safety
as well as the safety of others, Employees are required
to follow all safety requirements and observe all safety
precautions while in the shop.
5) Working Environment
We work in a "Manufacturing Environment" and therefore
must make an extra effort towards keeping it safe and
tolerable. A clean, safe workplace is everyone's right.
The Company is committed to this effort for the benefit
of all employees.
Smoking is not permitted in any of the Valley Plastics
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1) Charitable Support
It is important that we not forget the needs of our
local community. We will identify and donate to organizations
or groups worthy of our support .
2) Visibility
It is important to maintain a pleasant appearance
in our neighborhood. Parking lots, dumpster areas and
outside landscaping should be kept clean. Company vehicles
should be in good condition. Our presence should be
an asset, not a detriment.
3) Involvement
We will have representatives from our company actively
involved in groups that help shape our community. Take
active roles in Chamber of Commerce, Manufacturing Groups
or Local Committees. Become an essential part of our
city's evolution. Be a positive force.
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A) We will recycle our scrap regardless of the expense
to us. It should be understood that, "It is our responsibility
to see that we minimize waste and that this material
does not end up in the land fill."
B) We will implement a "Take-Back" policy with our customers,
whereby, they can return any product that we manufacture
or it's packaging (provided that it is not contaminated)
so that it can be re-used or recycled properly.
C) We will manufacture products made from recyclable
materials. So as to not create a hardship for our customers,
we will provide them, free of charge, engineering assistance,
technical information, and, proto-type parts made from
alternative, more "environmentally friendly" materials
for their testing requirements. We will also commit
time and funds for research into alternative uses of
scrap materials.
Additionally, we will implement programs and provide
receptacles for the recycling of the following items.
Aluminum, Steel, Glass, Tin, Cardboard, Newsprint, Office
Paper, Magazines, Rags, Oil, Lumber, Water, Paints,
Lights, Used Equipment, Pallets, Construction Materials.
* For a complete list see " Material Recycling Programs"
2) Source Reduction/ Consumption
We will make every attempt to;
A) Purchase all consumables from local sources. (reducing
the use of fossil fuels required for delivery.)
B) Purchase consumables made from recycled materials.
(Reducing the impact on natural resources and supporting
recycling industries.)
C) Use suppliers that have "Environmental" policies,
and, avoid those that do not.
( increasing the frequency and impact of CSR)
D) Repair "old" or purchase "used" equipment . (conserve
natural resources)
3) Internal Manufacturing Processes
A) Utilize "closed-loop" cooling systems.
B) Use water-soluble oils and coolants
C) Minimize "Noise" pollution
D) Provide air recovery systems for "internal" Air Quality
4) Local / Global
A) Be a source of information to local needs with
regards to Plastics.
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1) Quality
We have an obligation to maintain a high level of
quality in our products and services. Beginning with
the materials that we use right through to the way our
parts are packaged. They should represent the best in
our industry. Through our products comes, our reputation,
the hope for continued success, and a greater sense
of pride in ourselves and our company.
2) Commitment
Do what we say, and do it on time. Never promise something
that we knowingly can not deliver. Commitment should
never be taken lightly. Our customer's reputation is
based partially on our ability to deliver.
3) Service
Make available to our customers the knowledge and
experience that we have gained over the years. Help
to direct them towards better and more cost effective
ways to produce their parts. This is an opportunity
for us to have a positive impact on our environment
by reducing waste through environmentally efficient
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1) Corporate Practice
We are to be selective about the industries we serve
and will refuse to take work from those that fail to
meet our ethical criteria.
We will not manufacture parts for the Nuclear or Weapons
We will not give kickbacks or any other form of incentives
to buyers in exchange for contracts. We shall maintain
a professional relationship based on the quality of
our products and services.
2) Honesty and Integrity
Be honest in our business practices and fair in our
Do not misdirect customers by supplying them with
false or misleading information. Think in the "long
term". Do not look for, "quick rewards."
Do not speak negatively about the competition.
3) Profits Vs. People
It is important that we always consider the short
and long term effects that our actions will have on
individuals, and, never let the promise of greater profits
cloud our better judgment.
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